We are lucky to have an extensive network of quiet rural roads to cycle on in Kinross-shire.  These roads are frequently used by our equestrian friends and their riders and they do need special consideration if everyone is to be safe.  Horses are prey animals and if they sense a threat they will shy, rear, bolt and try to escape.  When confronted with a fast moving, whirring, multi-coloured cycle they will not see a human but will see a monster.  Horses will react first and think later, putting rider, cyclist and horse at risk of injury or death.  If you are approaching a horse from the rear, moderate your speed and use your voice to make horse and rider aware of your presence.  Ask if it is safe to pass.  If you are given the go ahead pass wide and slow and talk gently as you go to let the horse know you are a human and it is safe.  If approaching from the front behave in a similar way and watch for the horse's behaviour.  If it is looking unsettled just stop and wait for them to pass you before continuing on your way.  Your consideration will be appreciated, just as we appreciate other road users showing respect to us.  Ride safe.  Thank you